Pools and Fluxes / Forest
Based on the hypothesis, that diverse ecosystems should not only be more productive but also more resilient against climatic extremes, this sub-project has the aim
1. to make regional assessments of biomass, tree diversity and management as one main basis for selection of the experimental plots
2. to inventory the selected experimental plots with respect to tree and species distribution
The forest inventory included following parameters:
- general description of the study plot
surrounding, topography, structure and delopmental stages, land use system
- stock inventory
abundance and diversity, biometric characteristics of single trees, damages and habitat, competition, development and vitality
- regeneration inventory
abundance and diversity, hemispheric photos, damage caused by game animals
- Wood Debris
Biomass, degree of decomposition
- C/N-Analyses
sampling of roots, stem and leaves
- tree species composition
(Schorfheide, Hainich, Schwäbische Alb)
- fencing experiment in the forest
- BELongDead
- seeding of tree species (planned)