
Many scientific studies, including those from the Biodiversity-Exploratories, have now shown that insect populations have declined in recent decades. While “insect decline” has been relatively well studied, spiders (Araneae) have been little studied in this respect.

The aim is to compare all spiders (and possibly other arthropods) between the 2015 and the current samples and to document changes in diversity and community composition.

The European garden spider (Araneus diadematus) is a common native spider species that is also occurring in the grassland sites of the Biodiversity-Exploratories.

Comprehensive sampling using a biocenometer was already done on the grassland sites of the Biodiversity Exploratories in 2015. In principle, a biocenometer is an oversized vacuum cleaner that is used to extract all arthropods from a defined area in order to subsequently count and identify them. The sampling in 2015 focused on other taxa, the spiders were not processed. As part of this cooperation project, the sampling was now repeated.

Cooperations are projects financed by the cooperation partners’ own funds and thus financially independent of the DFG-funded infrastructure priority program ‟Biodiversity Exploratories (BE)”. They complement the BE with further interesting research content on biodiversity research and in return benefit from the infrastructure of the Biodiversity Exploratories.

Scientific assistants

Prof. Dr. Martin Entling
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Martin Entling
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau