
In each of the three exploratories, a local management team (LMT) ensures that research activities run smoothly. For example, research activities are coordinated with landowners and land managers as well as the authorities, and the experimental areas are maintained.

There are five contact persons for these tasks in each LMT. The local manager is responsible for coordination and obtaining permits from the authorities and landowners. They becomes are also responsible for public relations in the region. Technicians who manage the plots in grassland and in the forest are responsible, among other things, for the construction and maintenance of the trial areas and for consultation with stakeholders from the forestry and grassland sectors. The measurement engineer is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the climate stations. Finally, the general technician assists in the maintenance of the experimental plots and in individual research activities.

Picture: The photo shows a kneeling mechatronics technician at a laptop in a shady forest reading out the data of a measuring station.
Various meteorological data, such as air temperature, precipitation, soil temperature and humidity, are recorded on each experiment plot. The mechatronics technicians regularly read out the data and maintain the stations
Picture: The photo shows a man kneeling on a meadow next to a red and white striped so-called alignment rod, which is needed for measuring small partial areas of the experimental plots. A farmstead and mountains can be seen in the background.
For coordinated work on the experimental plots, working groups use small subplots for their investigations. These subplots are allocated by the LMTs and most of them are also measured

Research groups may contact the LMTs with any fieldwork concerns. During the proposal writing phase, for example, questions about the feasibility of planned research activities can be clarified. During fieldwork, LMTs provide updates on experimental plots and coordinate announced fieldwork with landowner(s). In addition, the LMTs can assist in setting up and carrying out fieldwork.

The LMTs also provide data on land-use intensity in forests and grasslands and a variety of climatic parameters-important baseline information for all Biodiversity Exploratory research projects.

Furthermore, LMTs are responsible for disseminating research results. Therefore, the latest findings are made available to a wider audience at press events and field trips. Land owners and managers are informed about the results on their own land in clearly prepared brochures. In addition, every two years each exploratory hosts a major information event for landowners, authorities and stakeholders in the region. Here, researchers from the exploratories themselves give an insight into their projects and present the results of their research of the past years.

Picture: The photo shows the stage and the audience at the fifth Albsymposion with the theme Biodiversity in the Cultural Landscape.
The regular information events of the LMTs are attended by stakeholders, practitioners and the interested public, and scientists from the exploratories present their latest findings and discuss the results
Picture: The photo shows a scene during an excursion of a local management team. On a meadow under a blue sky with clouds, seven men are standing and listening to the explanations of a scientist.
Students or the interested public will learn about the highlights of more than ten years of biodiversity research in the Biodiversity Exploratories as well as the latest scientific work on excursions of the LMTs

The LMTs are thus an important interface between researchers and landowners, but also between science and the interested public.

Jung K., Teuscher M., Böhm S., Wells K., Ayasse M., Fischer M., Weisser W. W., Renner S., Tschapka M. (2024): Supporting bird diversity and ecological function in managed grassland and forest systems needs an integrative approach. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 12:1401513. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1401513
More information:  doi.org
Landnutzung führt zu Veränderungen im Duftbouquet und der Morphologie in Bombus lapidarius
Straub F., Kuppler J., Fellendorf M., Teuscher M., Vogt J., Ayasse M. (2022): Land-use stress alters cuticular chemical surface profile and morphology in the bumble bee Bombus lapidarius. PLOS ONE 17 (5): e0268474. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268474
More information:  doi.org
Vogt J., Klaus V. H., Both S., Fürstenau C., Gockel S., Gossner M. M., Heinze J., Hemp A., Hölzel N., Jung K., Kleinebecker T., Lauterbach R., Lorenzen K., Ostrowski A., Otto N., Prati D., Renner S., Schumacher U., Seibold S., Simons N. K., Steitz I., Teuscher M., Thiele J., Weithmann S., Wells K., Wiesner K., Ayasse M., Blüthgen N., Fischer M., Weisser W. W. (2019): Eleven years’ data of grassland management in Germany. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e36387. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.7.e36387
More information:  doi.org
Reichel-Jung K. (2015): Ein Einblick in die Biodiversitätsexploratorien. Blätter des Schwäbischen Albvereins 2/2015, 12-15
More information:  www.schwaben-kultur.de
Lauterbach R., Wells K., O’Hara R. B., Kalko E. K. V., Renner S. C. (2013): Variable strength of forest stand attributes and weather impacts on the density of Ixodes ricinus ticks over years in managed forests. PLoS ONE 8 (1): e55365. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055365
More information:  doi.org
Dolezil J., Renner S. C. (2012): Pflanzen und Tiere unter der Lupe. Biodiversivitätsforschung auf der Schwäbischen Alb. AGROjournal 4, 31-32
More information:  www.landwirtschaft-bw.info

Non-public datasets

EP Grassland Landuse Information ALB 2025
Ayasse, Manfred; Mader, Valentin; Hailer, Joerg (2025): EP Grassland Landuse Information ALB 2025. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de. Dataset ID= 31998

Schorfheide-Chorin Exploratory

Schorfheide-Chorin Exploratory
Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research
Senckenberg Biodiversity und Climate Research Centre

Schorfheide-Chorin Exploratory Office
Hoher Steinweg 5-6
16278 Angermünde

Schorfheide-Chorin Exploratory Field Station
Zur Kastanienallee 10
16278 Angermünde/OT Wolletz

Phone: +49 (0) 3331 296 891 (Office Angermünde)

Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer
Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer
Universität Bern
Speaker, Biodiversity Exploratories; Project leader, core project BEO, LMT Schorfheide, Botany and Synthesis
Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Project leader core project LMT Schorfheide, forest struture
Dr. Melissa Jüds
Dr. Melissa Jüds
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung,
Biodiversitäts-Exploratorium Schorfheide-Chorin
Local manager
Uta Schumacher
Uta Schumacher
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
Biodiversitäts-Exploratorium Schorfheide-Chorin
Technician, grassland
Jörg Memmert
Jörg Memmert
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung,
Biodiversitäts-Exploratorium Schorfheide-Chorin
Frank Suschke
Frank Suschke
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
Biodiversitäts-Exploratorium Schorfheide-Chorin
Measurement engineer
Markus Rubenbauer
Markus Rubenbauer
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung,
Biodiversitäts-Exploratorium Schorfheide-Chorin
General technician

Hainich-Dün Exploratory

Hainich-Dün Exploratory
Technical University of Munich
Chair for Terrestrial Ecology

Hainich-Dün Exploratory Field Station
Am Burghof 3
99991 Unstrut-Hainich - OT Mülverstedt

Phone: +49 (0) 36022 159 843

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weisser
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weisser
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Project leader, LMT Hainich-Dün and core Arthropods project
Dr. Anna Katharina Franke
Dr. Anna Katharina Franke
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Local manager
Part time
Dr. Sven Pompe
Dr. Sven Pompe
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Local manager
Alexander Teschke
Alexander Teschke
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Technician, grassland
Heiner Both
Heiner Both
Technische Universität München (TUM)
General technician
Barbara Goedecke
Barbara Goedecke
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Michael Ehrhardt
Michael Ehrhardt
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Measurement engineer

Schwäbische Alb Exploratory

Schwäbische Alb Exploratory
Ulm University
Institute for Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics

Schwäbische Alb Exploratory Field Station
Biosphärenallee 3
72525 Münsingen

Phone: +49 (0) 731 502 2668
Phone field station: +49 (0) 7381 182 386

Prof. Dr. Manfred Ayasse
Prof. Dr. Manfred Ayasse
Universität Ulm
Project leader, LMT Schwäbische Alb and contributing project Healthy Pollination
Dr. Julia Bass
Dr. Julia Bass
Universität Ulm
Local manager
Part time
Dr. Max Müller
Dr. Max Müller
Universität Ulm
Local manager
Part time
Ralf Lauterbach
Ralf Lauterbach
Universität Ulm
Technician, grassland
Jörg Hailer
Jörg Hailer
Universität Ulm
Martin Fellendorf
Martin Fellendorf
Universität Ulm
Measurement engineer
Valentin Mader
Valentin Mader
Universität Ulm
General technician