
We either cooperate with or are members of the following research associations and platforms on long-term monitoring, biodiversity and land use:

  • EcoFinders: Improve understanding of the role of soil biodiversity in ecosystem functioning.
  • LTER-D: Network for long-term ecological research in Germany.
  • LTER-Europe: European Network for Long-Term Ecosystem Research.
  • Jena-Experiment: Experimental study of a grassland community: How biodiversity influences elemental cycles and trophic interactions.
  • TERENO: Network of terrestrial observatories in environmental research.
  • BEF-China: Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (BEF) Experiment in subtropical forests in China.
  • ExpeER: Experimentation in Ecosystem Research aims to bring together the main observational, experimental, analytical and modelling facilities in ecosystem research in Europe.
  • FunDivEUROPE: Functional importance of forest biodiversity in Europe.
  • Kili SES: The role of nature for human well-being in the Kilimanjaro Social-Ecological System
  • GSBI: Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative