Forst-day at the Exploratory Hainich-Dün

In November, the Exploratorium Hainich-Dün hosted a forest conference for practitioners from forestry and nature conservation.
The first part of the conference took place at the Waldcafé Prinzenhaus in Mühlhausen. In addition to the development of biodiversity on the land, forest forensics was also discussed in lectures and subsequent discussion rounds. Presentations were given by Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer (University of Göttingen), Dr. Michael Staab (Tu Darmstadt), Prof. Dr. Oliver Gailing (University of Göttingen), as well as doctoral students Marieke Lenga (University of Marburg) and Marit Hertlein (University of Dresden).
A visit to the forest areas in the Mühlhausen city forest rounded off the conference.