
The Biodiversity Exploratories are currently in the 7th phase, which runs from 1/3/2023 until 28/2/2026. The DFG call for proposals for the next phase (2026–2029) has been published now and can be found below “Call for Proposals” or here.

All relevant documents required for submitting a proposal under the DFG call are listed below. Please read them carefully.

Important dates:

  • January 16, 2025: Deadline for submitting a very short summary of the intended research (name of applicant(s) and their institution, preliminary title, maximum of 5 lines of text, plus one or more of the following keywords: EPs, MIPs, VIPs, FOX, REX, LUX, BEClimWood, forest, grassland, “forest, grassland and arable fields,” theory and modeling, synthesis, social-ecological research) via email to the scientific coordinator of the Biodiversity Exploratories (victoria.griessmeier@senckenberg.de).
  • January 21, 2025: Online information event for all potential applicants. Registration via email to the scientific coordinator.
  • March 26, 2025: Deadline for completing registration in elan before submitting a proposal to the DFG.
  • April 2, 2025: Deadline for proposal submission to the DFG (proposals must be written in English).
  • July 7-10, 2025: Evaluation colloquium of the priority program with a poster presentation by all applicants on Wednesday, July 9, 2025, in Frankfurt am Main.
  • March 1, 2026: Proposed start date for all new projects. The project duration is 36 months and must not exceed this period.

If you have questions about participating in the call, please contact the Central Coordination Office (beo@senckenberg.de) or the scientific coordinator (victoria.griessmeier@senckenberg.de).

Short summaries of the planned research proposals

Overview document of all planned research proposals for the 8th phase (2026–2029).
Doc overview_short-summaries-research-proposal_phase-2026-2029.pdf, 677.70 KB
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Information event on the Biodiversity Exploratories

Presentation slides from the DFG on the formalities of application submission.

Doc exploratoriencall_2025_information-to-applicants_20250122.pdf, 221.33 KB
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Information event on the Biodiversity Exploratories

Presentation slides by Prof Markus Fischer and Prof Nico Blüthgen on the research design and scientific scope for the new phase.

Doc information-exploratories-phase-2026-2029.pdf, 10.12 MB
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Call for Proposals "Infrastructure Priority Programme: Exploratories for Large-Scale and Long-Term Funtional Biodiversity Research"

The German Research Foundation (DFG) published the call for proposals for the next phase of the Biodiversity Exploratories on 11.12.2024, starting on March 1, 2026. The deadline for submitting proposals is April 2, 2025. More information can be found here and in the attached PDF (in English).
Doc 241211_ifw-115_spp-1374_priority-programme_biodiversity-exploratories.pdf, 1.20 MB
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Supplementary document "Stability and Climate Change"

This document contains detailed information on the research perspective of temporal dynamics, stability, and resistance/resilience of ecosystems under environmental change.

Doc stability-and-climate.pdf, 988.33 KB
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Supplementary document "Arable fields"

This document contains additional information on the arable field plots and preliminary results.

Doc arable-fields.pdf, 706.96 KB
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Supplementary document "BEClimWood"

This document provides more detailed information on the planned experiment “BEClimWood,” which is to be established in 30 forest plots.
Doc beclimwood_design_public.pdf, 698.72 KB
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Supplementary document "Overview services provided by the Core Projects"

This document provides additional information on the services and information that our core projects offer to all contributing projects. Further descriptions of the services can also be found on the respective project pages.
Doc infrastructure-information-provided-by-core-projects.pdf, 494.65 KB
Open in new window

Please also refer to the following links:

Research Design and Plots:

Research design

Research design multi-site experiments (REX, LUX, FOX):

Research design

Data Management System BExIS and Public Data:



Rules of procedure of the biodiversity exploratories: 


DFG Elan System:

https://elan.dfg. de/en

Cooperations can be arranged at all times after reviewing project suitability. The application is submitted to the steering committe of the Biodiversity Exploratories. Detailed information on how to apply can be obtained from the central coordination office (beo@senckenberg.de). (beo@senckenberg.de).
