Picture: The graphic shows information on the central thesis of the project.

Denitrification (DEN) and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) are important NO3 reduction processes through various reductive steps to N2 or ammonium (NH4+). They are the only microbial processes that are capable of both reducing NO3and producing the potent greenhouse gas N2O. Both processes can take place under similar conditions of low oxygen concentrations and compete for the available nitrate and nitrite. DNRA is considered as a crucial process of the N cycle that conserves N in terrestrial ecosystems by the conversion of NO3 and NO2 to the less mobile NH4+, which keep N available for microorganisms and plants, whereas gaseous reduction products through DEN contribute substantially to N losses in soils. While there is a general agreement about the significance of DEN in soils, the importance and occurrence of DNRA is controversially debated.

The following specific objectives will be addressed by the two partner teams of LUH and ZALF:

  • Isolation of NO3 reducing bacteria and systematic analysis of their physiology and taxonomic affiliations in relation to management intensities
  • Draft genome sequencing and annotation of representative NO3 reducing strains to reveal presence and genotypes of functionally relevant genes
  • Identification of pathways and taxonomic affiliations of NO3 reducing C1 compound utilizers
  • Primer development for the detection of specific marker genes and investigation of their abundance an distribution

Timsy, Spanner T., Ulrich A., Kublik S., Foesel B. U., Kolb S., Horn M. A., Behrendt U. (2021): Pseudomonas campi sp. nov., a nitrate-reducing bacterium isolated from grassland soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM) 71 (5), 004799. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004799
More information:  doi.org

Public Datasets

Horn, Marcus A.; Spanner, Tobias (2022): Abundances of denitrification and nitrate ammonification marker genes (soil sampling campain 2017). Version 6. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/31356?version=6

Scientific assistants

Dr. Undine Behrendt
Dr. Undine Behrendt
Prof. Dr. Marcus Horn
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Marcus Horn
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Prof. Dr. Steffen Kolb
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Steffen Kolb
Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Dr. Andreas Ulrich
Dr. Andreas Ulrich
Tobias Spanner
Tobias Spanner
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.