Figure: The photo shows a moss overgrown deadwood tree trunk with tinder fungi growing on its side.

Decomposing deadwood logs represent an energy–rich but nutrient-poor resource in forest ecosystems. Due to their relatively slow decomposition logs represent an unique and attractive habitat for many specialized organisms. Logs differ from soils in nutrient content and availability, but the biological and chemical interactions with the underlying soil are largely unknown, leaving a gap of knowledge concerning the implications of deadwood for functions and biodiversity in forest soils.

Fungal hyphae have the capability to bridge the two habitats and to redistribute nutrients between deadwood and soil. In the Biodiversity Exploratories, nutrient gradients exists through different nutrient concentrations in logs of 13 tree species, exposed in the BeLongDead experiment, and different soils, influenced by forest management. Understanding nutrient translocation as key mechanism is crucial for predicting the impact of nutrient gradients as driver of microbial community structure and function, fine root traits and chemical soil properties at the wood-soil interface. One aim of the proposed project is to elucidate the potential of nutrient translocation by different soil fungal communities occurring in the exploratory forests in a controlled laboratory experiment. Another aim is to study the long-term effects (~9-10 years) of decomposing logs on underlying soils in the BeLongDead experiment.

Our overarching hypothesis is that nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich soils respond differently to nutrient gradients to logs, which vary among tree species. For nutrient-poor soils, we hypothesize increasingly positive effects of log nutrients on (1) nutrient translocation towards soil, (2) functional diversity of saprotrophic fungi, (3) fine root density, ectomycorrhizal short roots and diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi, and (4) microbial biomass and activity. For nutrient-rich soils, we expect opposite responses (1 and 2), no impact (3) and a similar effect (4), respectively.

To test the hypotheses, we will combine innovative and established methods as well as field work and laboratory experiments. Hyphal nutrient translocation will be assessed based on 15N and 33P labelling accompanied by metatranscriptome sequencing. Chemical and microbial soil parameters as well as root traits will be linked to fungal community structure and activity assessed by Next-Generation-Sequencing approaches. Combined expertise will allow us to reappraise the relevance of the link between fungal diversity and soil properties below deadwood for ecosystem processes.

By working on a coordinated and full replicated experiment across nutrient gradients, we expect robust results with high scientific impact and benefits for forestry.

Minnich C., Persoh D., Poll C., Borken W. (2021): Changes in Chemical and Microbial Soil Parameters Following 8 Years of Deadwood Decay: An Experiment with Logs of 13 Tree Species in 30 Forests. Ecosystems 24, 955–967. doi: 10.1007/s10021-020-00562-z
More information:  doi.org

Public Datasets

Borken, Werner; Minnich, Cynthia (2019): Soil chemical parameters beneath deadwood from the BELongDead experiment on 30 forest plots in 2017. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/25726?version=2
Borken, Werner; Minnich, Cynthia (2019): Soil microbial parameters beneath deadwood from the BELongDead experiment on 30 forest plots in 2017. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/25727?version=2

Scientific assistants

Prof. Dr. Werner Borken
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Werner Borken
Universität Bayreuth
PD Dr. Derek Persoh
PD Dr. Derek Persoh
Cynthia Minnich
Cynthia Minnich
Christopher Sadlowski
Christopher Sadlowski