
Our main hypotheses are (1) that differences in plant diversity and soilnutrient level, brought by gradients in land use intensity, influence the abundance anddiversity of insect root herbivores, (2) that insect root herbivory influences the abundance and diversity of AMF and (3) that changes in the abundance and diversity of AMF caused by insect root herbivory feed back on the structure of plant communities

Picture: The graph shows correlations between plant diversity, soil insects and mycorrhiza.
Fig. 1: Interactions between land use induced plant diversity, insect root feeders and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Additionally to observational field work (hypothesis 1), we will conduct greenhouse experiments (hypotheses 2 and 3) to obtain a deeper understanding on how these soil organism groups interact with each other.

Sonnemann I., Baumhaker H., Wurst S.(2012): Species specific responses of common grassland plants to a generalist root herbivore (Agriotes spp. larvae). Basic and Applied Ecology 13, 579–586. doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2012.09.010
More information:  doi.org
Effekte unterschiedlicher Wurzelherbivore auf Mykorrhizierung und Wachstum verschiedener Pflanzen
Baumhaker H.(2010): Effekte unterschiedlicher Wurzelherbivore auf Mykorrhizierung und Wachstum verschiedener Pflanzen. Bachelor thesis, Freie University Berlin
Einfluss von Elateriden Larven auf die Mykorrhizierung von Plantago lanceolata in einer Grasland-Pflanzengemeinschaft
Beutel M.(2010): Einfluss von Elateriden Larven auf die Mykorrhizierung von Plantago lanceolata in einer Grasland-Pflanzengemeinschaft. Bachelor thesis, Freie University Berlin
Einfluss von Elateriden Larven auf die extraradikale AMF-Abundanz in einer Grasland-Pflanzengemeinschaft
Hanauer N.(2010): Einfluss von Elateriden Larven auf die extraradikale AMF-Abundanz in einer Grasland-Pflanzengemeinschaft. Bachelor thesis, Freie University Berlin

Public Datasets

Sonnemann, Ilja; Wurst, Susanne (2013): Grassland plant species under root herbivore attack by Agriotes larvae, experiment, 2010. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/15767?version=2
Sonnemann, Ilja; Wurst, Susanne (2011): Soil living insect larvae in grasslands (2009 & 2010). Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/13506?version=2

Scientific assistants

Prof. Dr. Susanne Wurst
Prof. Dr. Susanne Wurst
Dr. Ilja Sonnemann
Dr. Ilja Sonnemann